Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Your crazy Aunt Candi
Well Braden, you are going to have a new cousin coming in a couple of months, your Aunt Candi sent me a ultrasound picture in the mail and on the back it said Suprise its a girl Sabree James Wait due November 14th. Didnt know how to tell you guys, sorry! Yep thats how we found out! Your aunt is not the most normal person in the world, obviously! So I guess we will be taking another trip to Alaska.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Hot August Nights 2007
We went down to the Hot August Nights Cruise in Lewiston on Friday night. We took Uncles RJ and Chase with us. You had a lot of fun watching all of the cars go by. About an hour into it Papa Keith and Melissa showed up. You were glad to sit with papa for awhile. He put you up on his shoulder so that you could see better and you said where is all of your hair papa?
Papa then decided that he was going to go and cruise too. So he had to go and take off all of the extra crap on the bike. The windshield, saddle bags and back rest so that his bike "looked better" When he went by us the first time he stopped and reved up his motorcycle really loud right in front of you and you said Papa scared me mom! It was really funny. You had alot of fun but you were sad that Uncles went home with papa.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Rodeo Time
We went to the Wild Weippe Rodeo this past weekend. You had a great time of course. Rodeo is your favorite thing in the world right now. We started Saturday off by entering in the parade. Uncle RJ dressed as a rodeo clown and you dressed as the bull rider. Uncle RJ pulled you in the wagon decorated with signs that said Future Weippe bullrider and rodeo clown then on the sides one said Bullrider Braden Jared and the other side said Rodeo Clown RJ Chandler. You waved and threw candy through the whole thing even after sitting in the line up for over an hour. I was so proud of you. You guys looked so good. You won a purple ribbon for childrens catagory winner. You dressed in your PBR vest and chaps and wore your rope up boots and hat. After the parade we went to the rodeo, you loved watching Eddy the rodeo clown, you were constantly asking about his barrel. Your dad took you over to meet Eddy and you were scarred to death of him. I couldnt talk you into riding a stick horse even though you said that you wanted to right before it started. You enjoyed watching the bull riding the most.
Sunday we went to rodeo and it poured down rain the entire time. You were still really into watching Eddy. Eddy came right up by us and you were scarred of him again. When it came time for Steer riding you started to cry because I told you that you couldnt go ride one and you really wanted to. I know though that as soon as I took you over there you would of been to scarred to even look at them. (you have to be at least 11 to ride one anyways). I took you over to look at Eddys barrel later on and you really like it, you wanted to get in it but I wouldnt let you!
Today when you were napping you must of been dreaming about bullriding because you said I want to ride a little bull mom, not a big one. You were sound asleep, it was really funny. When you woke up I asked you if you were dreaming about bullriding and you said yes.
Sometimes I wonder if you really will grow up to be a cowboy or if this is just a phase that will pass. Bull riding scares the hell outta me. I really hope that you do get over this obsession of yours.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Uncle RJ
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Shopping trip without the spoiled kid act!
So we made it back from a little stop the boredom shopping trip and guess what you only came home with a few toys. I know, I know. I said in the last post that we were going to cut down on the toy buying. But honestly you only asked for the 2.99 bag of toys at Goodwill, And a motorcycle with a rider from St. Vincents. I chose the huge horse and all the books. I dont count the books as spoiled kid stuff though. You can never have to many books. But anyways we went to walmart too and made it out of there toy and fit throwing free, Halluluah!! We are making progress but probably because we went to goodwill first! I know this spoiled kid mess is all my fault. Every time I get bored (which is often) I think we should go shopping for something to do. And of course I feel bad if you dont get anything so I usually tell you to pick out something but most of the time you cant choose just one. Ahhh So maybe part of the plan of me stopping the spoiled kid problem should be to find different things for us to do when we get bored that doesnt require shopping. This could be a good thing really it could save us lots of dollars that I just seem to piss away on mindless shit just for something to do. So now we are going to give this new plan a try. Less shopping = less spoiled kid + more money!!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
34 Months
Dear Braden,
Tomorrow you will be 34 months almost three years old. I know ive said it before but it is so hard to believe. This month you have been awful trying of my patience, you push me as far as I can go some days. I have still been able to keep my cool though. You and the time out chair have been spending alot of time together. You are constantly seeing how far you can push me before I send you there. Your favorite words are butthead, asshole and stupid. We can thank your uncles and father for that. How do you think people look at me when you say these things in public. I have to tell you it is embarrasing. You have also decided that everytime we go into a store you should get something rather it be a sucker or a new toy you have to have something. If I tell you no you freak out. Just last week you wanted two toys and I told you that you could only have one that you had to choose between the two, you started screaming and bawling and threw yourself down on the floor in the middle of the isle and started kicking and screaming more then you started ripping the toys off of the shelf and throwing them down. It was the only time in your life so far that I really thought about spanking you. (So far you havent got a spanking yet from anyone.) I picked you up and packed you all the way to the check out line while you carried on at the top of your lungs. I dont think I have ever been so embarresed in my life. And guess what you came home with one of the toys. I know I know. I suppose this is my own fault, I do spoil you rotten. Obviously to rotten. Ive allways said even before you were born that I was going to make damn certain that you would have everything I didnt have as a child. Well by golly I have gone beyond it. You are totally spoiled rotten and I suppose now is probably the best time to break it before you get much older. So I am going to start working on it.
But the month hasnt been all that bad. You have also done alot of good things too. You are learning new things everyday. You always seem to amaze me to how quickly you catch on to things. If you hear a song you like and you hear it a couple times you can sing the chorus. You are starting to reciet the words to books that I have read you more and more everyday and You have been able to identify a couple different numbers just by seeing them (we are going to start working on that more) You have really taken a liking to the Arthur Computer games this month which really worries me, if I let you you would spend all day on there As long as we stay away from stores we do ok. Last weekend we went camping with Uncle RJ and Chase. We took out the camper to Pink House Hole in Orofino. Papa Keith had to come and get it all set up for us, we spent a nice relaxing weekend laying on the beach but we didnt get to get in the water much it was so cold that it hurt to get in it. You got to see your first snake out in the wild. We took alot of walks around the camping area and the best thing was we were away from all of the technology crap that seems to consume so much of our time. You cried once because there was no way to watch teletubbies (obviously you were so upset that you forgot about the DVD player in the car) and I have to admit that I did miss the internet a couple times but guess what we made it, we didnt die because we were away from the phone, computers and TV. I hope to have many more trips like this, I really do want you to see that there is more to life than sitting at home in front of some sort of screen. The outdoors offers many exciting things that I want you to experience.
I cannot believe that you are almost three. This totally boggles my mind. Sometimes I think three years thats all it seems like forever and other times I think about my life before you came into it and I can honestly say that my life has been much better since you have been here. I look forward to each and everyday as before I would dread the oncoming days. I cant believe how far you have come from being that little tiny baby that you were once. It gives me much pleasure to watch you grow and learn and become the fiestly little toddler that you are. Everyone keeps telling me that if I think the terrible twos are bad wait until your three. Somedays I think oh shit am I going to be able to handle it and other days I cant wait for it to happen. I love you very much Braden, no matter how hard headed and spoiled you are my love for you will never change. You are my world my life my everything. Thank you for everything you have given me thus far in your life!
Love Mama
Tomorrow you will be 34 months almost three years old. I know ive said it before but it is so hard to believe. This month you have been awful trying of my patience, you push me as far as I can go some days. I have still been able to keep my cool though. You and the time out chair have been spending alot of time together. You are constantly seeing how far you can push me before I send you there. Your favorite words are butthead, asshole and stupid. We can thank your uncles and father for that. How do you think people look at me when you say these things in public. I have to tell you it is embarrasing. You have also decided that everytime we go into a store you should get something rather it be a sucker or a new toy you have to have something. If I tell you no you freak out. Just last week you wanted two toys and I told you that you could only have one that you had to choose between the two, you started screaming and bawling and threw yourself down on the floor in the middle of the isle and started kicking and screaming more then you started ripping the toys off of the shelf and throwing them down. It was the only time in your life so far that I really thought about spanking you. (So far you havent got a spanking yet from anyone.) I picked you up and packed you all the way to the check out line while you carried on at the top of your lungs. I dont think I have ever been so embarresed in my life. And guess what you came home with one of the toys. I know I know. I suppose this is my own fault, I do spoil you rotten. Obviously to rotten. Ive allways said even before you were born that I was going to make damn certain that you would have everything I didnt have as a child. Well by golly I have gone beyond it. You are totally spoiled rotten and I suppose now is probably the best time to break it before you get much older. So I am going to start working on it.
But the month hasnt been all that bad. You have also done alot of good things too. You are learning new things everyday. You always seem to amaze me to how quickly you catch on to things. If you hear a song you like and you hear it a couple times you can sing the chorus. You are starting to reciet the words to books that I have read you more and more everyday and You have been able to identify a couple different numbers just by seeing them (we are going to start working on that more) You have really taken a liking to the Arthur Computer games this month which really worries me, if I let you you would spend all day on there As long as we stay away from stores we do ok. Last weekend we went camping with Uncle RJ and Chase. We took out the camper to Pink House Hole in Orofino. Papa Keith had to come and get it all set up for us, we spent a nice relaxing weekend laying on the beach but we didnt get to get in the water much it was so cold that it hurt to get in it. You got to see your first snake out in the wild. We took alot of walks around the camping area and the best thing was we were away from all of the technology crap that seems to consume so much of our time. You cried once because there was no way to watch teletubbies (obviously you were so upset that you forgot about the DVD player in the car) and I have to admit that I did miss the internet a couple times but guess what we made it, we didnt die because we were away from the phone, computers and TV. I hope to have many more trips like this, I really do want you to see that there is more to life than sitting at home in front of some sort of screen. The outdoors offers many exciting things that I want you to experience.
I cannot believe that you are almost three. This totally boggles my mind. Sometimes I think three years thats all it seems like forever and other times I think about my life before you came into it and I can honestly say that my life has been much better since you have been here. I look forward to each and everyday as before I would dread the oncoming days. I cant believe how far you have come from being that little tiny baby that you were once. It gives me much pleasure to watch you grow and learn and become the fiestly little toddler that you are. Everyone keeps telling me that if I think the terrible twos are bad wait until your three. Somedays I think oh shit am I going to be able to handle it and other days I cant wait for it to happen. I love you very much Braden, no matter how hard headed and spoiled you are my love for you will never change. You are my world my life my everything. Thank you for everything you have given me thus far in your life!
Love Mama
Friday, August 3, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Firsts of the summer
Things Braden has done for the first time, all during summer 07~
Went to the zoo, Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium. You loved the polar bears and raindeer.
Took a ride on a ferry (also mamas first trip) from Poulsbo to Seattle and got to see a cruise trip,
the space needle and the seattle sky line on the ride.
Ride in a limo (also mamas first trip) June 16th 07 at Cousin Jennifers wedding.
July at Wallowa lake Oregon saw a huge toad, crawdads and minnows, you were scared of all of them.
Rode on a boat Joe and Chelsey Kershisnik's in July, you were scarred at first but then at the end loved it. You and Joe fished off of the side of the boat, Chelsey let you drive it (you loved it) we were out on it for over eight hours, on our way into the dock you fell asleep, slept threw the night and the first thing you said when you woke up the next morning was "Go back out on Joe and Chelseys boat"
Rode a bucking bull. Ok so it wasnt real but it was the next best thing. A big old plastic statue at Wallowa Lake. I couldnt get you off of it and it has made you decide even more than before that you want to be a bull rider.
June we went camping for the first time in a tent. We went to Lenore with Papa Keith and Uncles RJ and Chase. You got to go fishing for the first time (ok with only a sinker on your line, I am to scarred to put a hook on, you should see the way you cast) You really liked staying in the tent. We are getting ready to go camping again this weekend, me you and uncles we are going out in the camper though so we will see how that goes.
Went to the zoo, Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium. You loved the polar bears and raindeer.
Took a ride on a ferry (also mamas first trip) from Poulsbo to Seattle and got to see a cruise trip,
the space needle and the seattle sky line on the ride.
Ride in a limo (also mamas first trip) June 16th 07 at Cousin Jennifers wedding.
July at Wallowa lake Oregon saw a huge toad, crawdads and minnows, you were scared of all of them.
Rode on a boat Joe and Chelsey Kershisnik's in July, you were scarred at first but then at the end loved it. You and Joe fished off of the side of the boat, Chelsey let you drive it (you loved it) we were out on it for over eight hours, on our way into the dock you fell asleep, slept threw the night and the first thing you said when you woke up the next morning was "Go back out on Joe and Chelseys boat"
Rode a bucking bull. Ok so it wasnt real but it was the next best thing. A big old plastic statue at Wallowa Lake. I couldnt get you off of it and it has made you decide even more than before that you want to be a bull rider.
June we went camping for the first time in a tent. We went to Lenore with Papa Keith and Uncles RJ and Chase. You got to go fishing for the first time (ok with only a sinker on your line, I am to scarred to put a hook on, you should see the way you cast) You really liked staying in the tent. We are getting ready to go camping again this weekend, me you and uncles we are going out in the camper though so we will see how that goes.
2 years 9 months allready, where has the time gone?
Dear Braden,
Ive decided that since I am out of room in your baby book that I will start updating you on the comings and goings of your everyday toddler life via this blog. This way you will have something to look at years from now.
Today you are 2 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and 5 days old. My goodness how time flies. You are growing so fast, I cant believe it. Everyday you amaze me. You are so smart and witty. Lately you have decided that you are going to be more independent. We are working on potty training and it goes really well at home as long as you are running around half naked. Out and about not so well. At home when it comes time to "go" you run in and lift the lid and go, if I come to help you tell me to "step out". Do you not remember the last two years when I was the one cleaning you up? It wont hurt you to let me be in there just in case you need some help! If outside rather at home or in public you insist on going on a tree.
You no longer like to sit on my lap and be rocked you would rather sit in your own chair or on the couch. This is really hard for me to accept, because it means that you are really growing up. when you were little I would just sit and rock you for hours, just because. I hardly ever let you down. This might of been a bad thing I dont know, but so far you are normal. I knew that these days would come soon enough and I wanted to hold you while I could.
You really enjoy books, which pleases me more than you will ever know. Reading is something that I hope you continue to enjoy for the rest of your life. You would sit for hours on hours listening to me read you stories if I let you. Lately if I am busy and you want a book read you will go sit down and look at the pictures and try to read it yourself, if its a book we have read a million times you do pretty well with the words and get most of the story out. You have tons of books and they are one of your favorite things.
You have such a big imagination, I think alot of it comes from Uncle Chase and you playing. You love your toys. Uncle Chase did at your age too. You two are the same when chase was little he always had toys in his hands and if he tripped or fell he would let his head hit the floor before he dropped his toys, you are the same way. You will sit in your play room and play away with your toys forever. You talk to them and make them talk back. I love to sit and listen to you go on and on. You always have a toy or two in your hand.
You are in love with rodeo and clowns with barrels. We watch a rodeo movie at least twice a day. I just redecorated your room, done in PBR and cowboy stuff, you love it. You have a log bed with a lasso hanging off the end, your calf head above the door a horseshoe hook thing and I have yet to hang up your pictures. Grandma Bonnie went and had a picture of you on your first bull ride blown up so we can hang that in there. Your first bull ride was at Wallowa Lake Oregon. It was a plastic bull that you sat on wearing there old nasty hat. I had to pay a dollar, it was the best dollar ever spent! You had a great time and did not want to get off.
You will make anything into a bull and rider puzzel pieces, blocks, food you name it and you have made them into a bull and rider. You keep saying that you want to be a bullrider, I encourage you to follow your dreams but secretly I hope to god you never get on one of those huge beasts.
You love to go to the beach and play in the water and jump the waves. You also love playing in the pool in the backyard. You are a waterbaby that is for sure. Yesterday you decided that you were going to dive into the pool headfirst while plugging your nose, you did it for a long time. I am so glad that you are not affraid of the water. We have the slide from the playset in the pool and you love going down it splashing in the water. You have even went down it head first a couple of times.
You are a major homebody, anytime we go somewhere it doesnt take long and you want to go home. When we went on vacation at wallowa lake all you could talk about was going home. You are happy as can be at home sitting in your play room reading books and playing with your toys.
You are growing up so fast you are over halfway to kindergarten, what am I going to do when you go off to school? I dont even want to think about it.
You are such a great kid, we have our moments but all in all you are the best that anyone could ask for. You give me so much joy watching you grow and learn new things day after day. I wouldnt trade you for the world. I love you more than anything in the world and am truely thankfully for you.
Love Mama
Ive decided that since I am out of room in your baby book that I will start updating you on the comings and goings of your everyday toddler life via this blog. This way you will have something to look at years from now.
Today you are 2 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and 5 days old. My goodness how time flies. You are growing so fast, I cant believe it. Everyday you amaze me. You are so smart and witty. Lately you have decided that you are going to be more independent. We are working on potty training and it goes really well at home as long as you are running around half naked. Out and about not so well. At home when it comes time to "go" you run in and lift the lid and go, if I come to help you tell me to "step out". Do you not remember the last two years when I was the one cleaning you up? It wont hurt you to let me be in there just in case you need some help! If outside rather at home or in public you insist on going on a tree.
You no longer like to sit on my lap and be rocked you would rather sit in your own chair or on the couch. This is really hard for me to accept, because it means that you are really growing up. when you were little I would just sit and rock you for hours, just because. I hardly ever let you down. This might of been a bad thing I dont know, but so far you are normal. I knew that these days would come soon enough and I wanted to hold you while I could.
You really enjoy books, which pleases me more than you will ever know. Reading is something that I hope you continue to enjoy for the rest of your life. You would sit for hours on hours listening to me read you stories if I let you. Lately if I am busy and you want a book read you will go sit down and look at the pictures and try to read it yourself, if its a book we have read a million times you do pretty well with the words and get most of the story out. You have tons of books and they are one of your favorite things.
You have such a big imagination, I think alot of it comes from Uncle Chase and you playing. You love your toys. Uncle Chase did at your age too. You two are the same when chase was little he always had toys in his hands and if he tripped or fell he would let his head hit the floor before he dropped his toys, you are the same way. You will sit in your play room and play away with your toys forever. You talk to them and make them talk back. I love to sit and listen to you go on and on. You always have a toy or two in your hand.
You are in love with rodeo and clowns with barrels. We watch a rodeo movie at least twice a day. I just redecorated your room, done in PBR and cowboy stuff, you love it. You have a log bed with a lasso hanging off the end, your calf head above the door a horseshoe hook thing and I have yet to hang up your pictures. Grandma Bonnie went and had a picture of you on your first bull ride blown up so we can hang that in there. Your first bull ride was at Wallowa Lake Oregon. It was a plastic bull that you sat on wearing there old nasty hat. I had to pay a dollar, it was the best dollar ever spent! You had a great time and did not want to get off.
You will make anything into a bull and rider puzzel pieces, blocks, food you name it and you have made them into a bull and rider. You keep saying that you want to be a bullrider, I encourage you to follow your dreams but secretly I hope to god you never get on one of those huge beasts.
You love to go to the beach and play in the water and jump the waves. You also love playing in the pool in the backyard. You are a waterbaby that is for sure. Yesterday you decided that you were going to dive into the pool headfirst while plugging your nose, you did it for a long time. I am so glad that you are not affraid of the water. We have the slide from the playset in the pool and you love going down it splashing in the water. You have even went down it head first a couple of times.
You are a major homebody, anytime we go somewhere it doesnt take long and you want to go home. When we went on vacation at wallowa lake all you could talk about was going home. You are happy as can be at home sitting in your play room reading books and playing with your toys.
You are growing up so fast you are over halfway to kindergarten, what am I going to do when you go off to school? I dont even want to think about it.
You are such a great kid, we have our moments but all in all you are the best that anyone could ask for. You give me so much joy watching you grow and learn new things day after day. I wouldnt trade you for the world. I love you more than anything in the world and am truely thankfully for you.
Love Mama
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