We brought in the new year in style this year........sleeping! Yes you and I were sound asleep when the new year began. We had a long day, we went up to weippe and spent a couple hours sleeding. The first real sledding you have ever done and the funnest sledding I have done in a long long time. You loved the first trip down the hill, we went really fast down and had to hit a snowbank to stop us. Grandpa buck was there to give us rides back up the hill so we didnt have to walk much. You loved riding up the hill on the four wheeler and then later getting pulled up the hill behind the fourwheeler on the sled. After a few trips down the hill you decided that it would be more fun to just play in the snow. You kept jumping in head first and finally was so cold that you had to sit in the car and play your gameboy. We went back to G and G's and you got to play with all the kids. Uncles RJ and Chase went up there with us. We didnt get home until after ten that night and you were allready sound asleep. The next day me and Uncles brought in the newyears with a slash. We took part in the polar bear plunge down at roosters landing we jumped in the freezing cold water. THe wind was blowing and it was so cold out. You were all bundled up in your winter gear and a blanket and you were still freezing imagine how cold uncles and I was!! Chase and I made it on the front page of the Lewiston Tribune which was very exciting for us. New Years day night we took uncles back to Peck and went to the park and watched uncles light off all of this fireworks left over from fourth of July. You liked the fireworks but was more interested in playing in the snow. It was really really cold out!!! You were happy to be able to go back to papas and warm up and play with uncles for a little while. You were sad when we had to leave like allways. You again fell asleep on the way home! You allways get so tired when your uncles are here, you refuse to nap or sleep many hours during the night. I would have to say that you had a pretty good New Years this year and you say that you want to do the polar bear plunge with uncles and I next year! We will just have to see about that!..............
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