Today I had to teach you a hard lesson about life.......death.
Your pet turtle Leonardo had not been himself for about three weeks when I finally decided to get it to a vet to see what was wrong with it, come to find out it had a resperatory infection. The vet gave it some medicine and sent us home with a 50/50 chance or it surviving, well three days later on valentines day of all days it died. It got burried out in the roses, I couldnt let you go out there to watch. I decided that I or anybody was going to mention anything about it dead until you noticed it was gone. Well lo and behold you noticed today. You said wheres leonardo mom still at the doctor and I had to explain to you that he was dead and he wasnt coming back and you said where is he and I told him that he was buried out in the yard that he had gone to heaven and you said wheres heaven mom and I said in the sky honey. YOu then got really sad and bowed your head and said I want him to come back mommy and I said he cant, when something dies it never comes back. You looked at me with tears in your eyes and I told you that if you wanted we could get you another turtle and you could name it leonardo if you wanted and you got a big smile on your face and said ok mom and ran up the stairs and went back to playing with your toys.
It was so hard for me to tell you that it had died. I know you dont fully understand only being three years old and all. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I will never forget the look on your face when I told you that he wasnt coming back. It broke my heart. RIP Leonardo.

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